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Root Canal Therapy

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A root canal therapy is a treatment which is used to repair and save a badly infected and damaged tooth. The procedure for this involved the removal of the damaged area of the pulp. This is followed by cleaning and disinfecting the area and then followed by sealing it with some kind of crown or cap. The most common causes affecting the pulp are a deep cavity, a cracked tooth, repeated oral treatment to the tooth or trauma. The term “root canal” comes from cleaning of the canals inside the root of the tooth.

There are few steps which you must follow over a few office visits to prepare for a root canal:

  • X-ray – If a dentist suspects that you may need a root canal, he should first examine your x-ray to know where the decay is actually located.
  • Anesthesia – To the affected tooth, local anesthesia is administered.
  • Pulpectomy – an opening is made by the dentist and the removal of the diseased tooth pulp is carried out.
  • Filling– The roots which are opened to get of the diseased pulp have been filled with a material called as gutta-percha and sealed off using cement.

As stated by the National Institute of health, a root canal is a treatment where the dentist performs a procedure to remove the bacteria and dead tissue from inside the tooth. Modern technology and techniques have helped root canals evolve into relatively comfortable treatments which often require not more than two visits to the dentist or an endodontist.

Root canals are required when there is a deep infection within the tooth. The pulp inside the tooth can be affected by bacteria or due to some injury caused by an untreated cavity. The tooth will have to be removed if the treatment is not given at the right time. If your dentist has recommended the treatment, then it is better to get the therapy done before complications arise that can affect your overall health.

After the procedure, your teeth and gums must be given a good care. It is better to schedule and another visit with your dentist in order to make sure all the signs of infection are gone. A restored and treated tooth can last a lifetime if it is maintained well. Root canals always have a high success rate. A few ways to take care of your teeth after root canal are listed below:

  • By practicing good oral hygiene – Brushing must be done twice a day and flossing at least once. Taking good care of your teeth can help prevent future issues.
  • Visit the dentist regularly – The dentist will have to examine your teeth to know if there is any kind of problem and must be treated soon before it gets serious. Cleaning must be done once in a while by the dentists or hygienists.
  • Avoid hard foods – Chewing on hard foods can cause your teeth to break and will harm the root canals.